NC Medicaid Managed Care goes live July 1, 2021, make sure you’re ready for Launch.
The transition to Medicaid Managed Care has reached a major milestone. All Medicaid beneficiaries currently eligible to transition to managed care have selected or been assigned a health plan with 97% enrolled in a plan that includes their current primary care provider (PCP) in network.
As a result, nearly all current beneficiaries will keep the same health care provider that they have today when managed care launches on July 1. That means more families can continue to visit the practices and doctors who know them best and are familiar with their specific health care needs.
Join on Thursday, June 3, 2021, from 2-3 p.m. to hear the latest updates in the state’s transition to Medicaid Managed Care what to expect July 1. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers.